BY TYLER BARTON We decide on Thursday that we’ll actually leave Friday in order to beat the storm. Me, Erin, our dachshund Petey. I’m semi-frantic packing but stop to grab a scrap of paper. Write: PPL TO SEE @ HOME Bruce Michelle Gramby Raf- It’s really more of... read more →
Right now seems like the time to remind you that we are here. We are here to welcome you, to make you feel at home, to make you feel part of a community. Our community, whomever you are. The past few weeks have been tough for many of us and... read more →
Just a few of the things some of our team and fellow Transplants are thankful for this season. With grateful hearts, we move forward into the season of light.
Moving is hard. To look up and see all the pieces of the life that you’ve built just scattered around you. The skeleton of what once was lies disassembled, waiting to be put back together, bone by bone. I’ve moved many times in my life and it’s never been easy.... read more →
Find me sitting on the edge of this season, my fingers digging through the dirt, a handful of fragile, gold goodbyes. My lungs, a map of all the places I have ever breathed. The palms of my hands vibrate with the memory of other hands, and I am convinced the... read more →