Confession: In my life, more than once, I have been horribly, miserably, and undeniably wrong. I have been completely off base. I have misread, misinterpreted, and misinformed. I have demonstrated idiocy, ignorance, and stupidity on championship levels.
I know. You expected more. But, that’s it. That’s the truth. I do not know everything.
Okay, okay. Tongue no longer in cheek, here’s the real confession: Like many of us, I struggle with saying these three words, “I don’t know.” Recently, I’ve been thinking that a simple phrase like that can really hold us back. There isn’t much that makes me feel more vulnerable than having to admit that I don’t know something. I’m guessing that’s common for a lot of you reading this as well. Perhaps it keeps you from putting yourself out there; from meeting new people; from achieving something you really want.
Well, as part of the Lancaster Transplant team, my mission is to help build our community through collaboration; and more specifically, in my role, through adventuring together.
In this series, I hope you’ll be able to ride along vicariously on my adventure into, quite literally, the things that I do not know.